A Mile In Our Shoes...A Musical Journey Through Morocco is a collection of 9 songs recorded during 3 weeks in June of 1997. Morocco's music is as diverse as its people. It is our intention to inspire you to travel to Morocco and experience this music yourself. Click on the names of the tracks below for an in depth look at some of the different styles of music that permeate Moroccan culture.
Barrada's Group- "La Ilaha Ila Allah"
Aissawa music from Fes
Artist Unkown- "Welcome"
Fes-style Jewish folk music
Nass Marrakech- "Salamu Lekum"
Gnawa music from Marrakech
Ourzazate (regional)- "Chaby"
Popular Music recorded in Ourzazate
El Kelaat M'Gouna (regional)- "Flight Of The Bee"
Akalal style of Berber music from El Kelaat M'Gouna
Guedra (regional)- "Guedra Dance"
Guedra music from Goulimim
Mahmoud Ginia- "Ahayana" (Expression Of Sorrow)
Gnawa music from Essaouira
Unknown Artists- "Bismillah"
Rwais music recorded at the Tuesday market in Ait Ourir

Hadawa Sufis- Hadawa Chant
chant recorded at the Tuesday market in Ait Ourir

about A Mile In Our Shoes.